The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120876 Message #2633402
Posted By: gnu
16-May-09 - 01:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: i found a troll
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll
I dunno if THIS is a good idea... maybe. If there was a "troll alert" permathread which had instructions at the top regarding who to PM with a denotation as to the time of day assciated with Mudtime.
EG... Mod X is in the time zone Mudtime -2.
I know the subject is well covered in the newbie permathreads, but there is a lot of info there. Maybe a permathread just about trolls?
I dunno about posting to the troll alert permathread with a copy of the offending post???
Anyway, it's an idea for discussion and refinement among the mods and admins... maybe???