The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120876   Message #2633420
Posted By: Jeri
16-May-09 - 01:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: i found a troll
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll
Gnu, PM somebody.
The object is to, excuse me, NOT GIVE THEM THE ATTENTION THEY WANT. NOT FEED THEM. NOT EVEN NOTICE THEM. (I feel better now) So a thread just for trolls is not a good idea.

Lets play 'guess that original':

I finded a troll
That finded the whole board bitching
But I didn't see that the troll troll-ed me, oh no

I started to bitch
Cuz all them people wuz bitching
Oh if I'd only seen, that the troll troll-ed me

Was it really all so simple then?
Or has time re-written
... (oops, sorry--wrong bridge)

I sat there and read, typed "ass wipe, you're DEAD!"
I broke the rule, sent it like a fool, oh, I'm such a tool

The mod finaly came,
And finded the whole board a-bitching
Oh have you heard? Mods get the last word.

Peace out.