The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120876 Message #2633693
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
17-May-09 - 03:23 AM
Thread Name: BS: i found a troll
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll
Time differences is a big problem.. Many mudcatters are just logging on as half of the others toddle off to bed. When a troll or a flamer strikes in the 'dark hours', those few hours when there is least activity, then it's bound to hang around for a while. In an ideal world there would be a moderator in every time zone, permanently staring at the computer but that ain't going to happen.
I do recall there was a call for more moderators in the UK/Europe time zone, but that was shortly before Max moved so I don't think it ever got properly sorted, as he had other things on his mind. Maybe a gentle nudge to remind him about setting up those UK Mods once he's settled?
In the meantime... I found a troll yesterday.. he's a Danish troll and he's playing the melodeon. I found him behind the calendar. I really should tidy the mantlepiece more often!