The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120876   Message #2634161
Posted By: Ebbie
17-May-09 - 05:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: i found a troll
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll
Although we have more ravens in town in the wintertime, they are ubiquitous all year.

We have many stories about them - not only do we whities but the Native Alaskans also, and probably much earlier.

In fact, we have a large mural on the side of our municipal building painted by a Native that depicts 'When Raven Discovered Man'. It shows Raven prying open a clamshell revealing Man while Wolf, Killer Whale, Bear, Eagle and Frog look on in amazement.

As someone said, animals know everything - they just don't know that they do. I suspect ravens know it.