The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120910   Message #2634531
Posted By: SteveMansfield
18-May-09 - 05:29 AM
Thread Name: fRoots magazine and the EFDSS
Subject: RE: fRoots magazine and the EFDSS
I joined EFDSS [for the first time in my life] last year - it was the tune book Hardcore English and republication of the Great Northern Tunebook that made me suspect that, after 30 years of effective irrelevance, EFDSS had actually turned a corner.

To reiterate what IAA said in the article quoted in the OP, Derek Schofield has absolutely transmogrified the magazine English Dance & Song out of all recognition - the first time I saw a modern copy I was genuinely suprised it had colour printing and a decent layout, let alone content worth reading, my expectations from previous contacts with ED&S were so low.

To this long-time EFDSS cynic it looks like EFDSS has, at long last, stopped being a Stuckist clique arguing about little more than the physical fabric of 2 Regents Park Road and monthly tea-dances in the Harpenden area. Interesting one-off publications and hopefully more to come, a decent quarterly magazine, support for the new initiatives in widening access to the VWML, are all positives in my book and worthy of my money & support.