The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115854   Message #2636087
Posted By: Amos
19-May-09 - 06:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Subject: RE: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage
The incest laws, which are NOT the subject of this thread, are a different issue. The only reason for prohibiting incest as a form of sexual congress is that it produces offspring who are a burden on the public, at least probably. So it became, over the centuries, a moral code to prohibit it. Aside from that risk, there is no reason to mess with cousins or siblings who want to screw each other. I certainly don't want to screw my own siblings, but that may just be canalized cultural bias, but more importantly it is none of my business.

Gay couples not only never have offspring, they often take on excess offspring produced by others who are emotionally ill equipped and raise them well.   

As far as I can see the only core reason for your energetic rejection of the idea of civil rights in marriage for gays people is that you despise the thought of their carnal activities.

Have I missed some other factor? Leave STDs out of it--they are a direct function of promiscuity, and marriage is a palliative to promiscuity, not an aggravator of it.

Aside from that, then, the issue becomes a desire to pass judgement on others' private affairs. Its not the marriage itself you protest, but the sexual congress that accompanies it.

If you were to see those as independent factors--in the realization that gays, like heterosexuals, have sex whether they are married or not--wouldn't it seem that you were promoting an injustice against hum,an beings you have never met and about whose strengths and weaknesses you know absolutely nothing?