The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120982   Message #2636626
Posted By: catspaw49
20-May-09 - 11:46 AM
Thread Name: Happy 70th Birthday, Bill Day!
Subject: RE: Happy 70th Birthday, Bill Day!
Just after #60 Bill said he wasn't celebrating the years anymore, just the decades. So when # 61 came around I made the following post where I said I'd wait til 2009. Now2009 has arrived and I think the last line of that post still works and like "folk" music, has stood the test of time.............

Subject: BILL D.'s 'Sorta' BIRTHDAY -late
From: catspaw49 - PM
Date: 22 May 00 - 07:55 PM

Now I know the ol' poop only celebrates at ten year intervals now, but its only because he's too cheap to go out to dinner. PLUS...WE missed it by a couple of days here was May 20 (I think?). Anyway.........
HAPPY BIRFUSDAY from Cletus, Paw, Buford, and the Reg boys...AND Cleigh O'Possum............I'll wait til 2009 to say it myself. I won't sing Happy Birthday either, but we'll do some song in your honor....Lessee here......hmmmm..................HEY!!!! I got it!!! How about, "When the Parade Passes By."

I would like to say something nice about you, but nothing comes to mind except, "Geez, what a piece of work that boy is!"

That you were, that you are, and that may you remain, for additional decades to come! I'd also wish you "many happy returns of the day" but I have no idea what that means................

Spaw----Give Rita a big hug from me too