The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120986   Message #2636924
Posted By: wysiwyg
20-May-09 - 05:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: BNP: What would you do?
Subject: RE: BNP: What would you do?
I hope i am a loyal friend to those that are close to me but this is too much.

Forgive me not reading the whole thread. This statement jumped out at me as the relevant portion.

You asked what we would do. I'd like to think I could be a friend AND respect my beliefs, and I'd try to do it something like this:

"I hope you can understand that my position on the BNP is diametrically and firmly opposed to yours, and if our friendship is to continue it must be with a clear undertanding on that point. I believe a day will come when you regret your aligning yourself with them, and until that day comes it will be best if we do not discuss the BNP, at all. I stand ready to be there for you on the day when you realize you can't stomach them. Can we remain friends on that basis?"

Because.... I think anyone you HAVE respected will probably get to that stomach-turning day before too long, and he is really going to need a friend, then. If you cut it off now, he will not know he can turn to you. The cutting-off will be in the way, see? So I would expect of myself to sacrifice my own comfort-level (it would be very hard) to the greater need I believe my friend will have of me.

YOU have to do what YOU think is best, but that's what I hope I'd attempt to do, myself, which is what you asked. I don't envy you the decision. It's a bad place to be in, all the way around.

