The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120986   Message #2636935
Posted By: GUEST,lox
20-May-09 - 05:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: BNP: What would you do?
Subject: RE: BS: BNP: What would you do?
I disagree Susan.

I'm with you on the point of continuing to see someone as your friend and yet staying true to your beliefs, but I disagree completely about saying nothing.

If they are standing as a political candidate then they need to get used to being accountable.

That starts with friends.

"how do you reconcile being a candidate for a party whose leader gives advice on how to make nazi language sound PC?"


"How do you reconcile being in a party who denies the overwhelming evidence that the holocaust happened and that has the same policies as the Nazis who perpetrated it?"

And you do it till they see the error of their ways or crack and do something stupid.

And you contact their all their friends and family and sustain the pressure on him.

Denial is at the heart of extreme politics, whether extreme Nationalist, extreme communist, extreme islamist or extreme christian fundamentalist.

To tackle it you have to confront them with the thing they are trying to deny.

Cutting off friendships, or compounding the denial by ignoring the subject allows it to grow and fester in the dark.