The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115854   Message #2637163
Posted By: Little Hawk
20-May-09 - 10:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Subject: RE: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
You worry me not one whit, old pard. I have no difficulty engaging in self-criticism, as it is an essential part of the spiritual path. ;-)

I am recommending that you here who are busy personally attacking each other do what Barack Obama suggests in his recent superb address at Notre Dame: Stop demonizing the people on the other side of a debate. Stop turning them into caricatures. Stop insulting them and degrading their worth. Realize that they, just like you, are motivated by some genuinely legitimate concerns and ideals, and that they, just like you, wish the world to be a better place and all people to be happy and free.

Watch the Barack Obama address again. If you don't get it, watch it again. Then watch it again. Maybe you will someday realize the point he is so eloquently making.