The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115854   Message #2637297
Posted By: Barry Finn
21-May-09 - 04:04 AM
Thread Name: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Subject: RE: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
"There is a massive link between aids and the practice of homosexuality....Even large numbers of homosexuals are now saying this."

Recently a large group of politicians have been claiming that God speaks through them too, but it doesn't make what he say true of fact

Homosexuality is not just a civil rights issue, it has long been a human rights issue, so much so that they needed the protection under law (protection under genda basis & gay bashing), granted by the same law that denies them their right to same sex marriage. Can the law protect & discriminate at the same time? Can the law be an umbrella only when it rains? "NO"!

Your "normal" society has tried, after granting civil rights, to force Blacks to behave White, Woman at work to hide their idenities as Mothers (as well as asking them to act as men in the work place & then call them bitches when they do) & Gays to (don't ask, don't tell) act straight. "Your Normal" society does not really protect the minorities because "Your Normal Society" is bigoted, just as you are but to you that is "normal". What it is, is unjust, unfair & IMHO criminal.
As I mentioned in my privious post gay woman, by your logic must lead healthy lifestyles, they are low on the AIDS meter so they sould be able to marry, but wait that's a same sex issue too.
Is it that their "normal" sexual acts may meet with a more exceptable view in the eyes of a homohater as opposed to "2 guys takng it up the ass"?
Call yourself what you are.
You are who Blacks had to struggle to survive from, who Jews had to run from & who woman had to vote against. You are no different now than what you were 50 or 100 or 150 yrs ago. You make the lives of those who are different from you a course in survival trainning.
