The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120986   Message #2637339
Posted By: GUEST,lox
21-May-09 - 04:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: BNP: What would you do?
Subject: RE: BS: BNP: What would you do?
Listen up.
Daily Mail Reader has made a fundamental point which we should pay attention to.
There is an election coming up for the european parliament and the BNP stands to do well in them.

2 reasons.
1. Proportional representation in EU elections means that they they don't need to have a masive turnout to win representation in the european parliament.
2. Everyonee is so dissillusioned by the thought of Brown, Darling et al, and so nauseated by the thought of Cameron Osborne et al, that they people are saying they won't vote.

There may be some salt in the jelly and some mustard in the ice cream, but either of them is better than being force fed BNP cake because you didn't choose when you had the chance.

So Daily Mail Reader is right to ask - are you going to vote or are you going to stamp your feet afterwards?

The activist is not the one who points out that the river is dirty, but the one who cleans it up.

Vote - and keep them out of power.

And tell your friends to vote and to pass it on.