The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121032   Message #2637571
Posted By: CupOfTea
21-May-09 - 09:50 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat 'Idol'?
Subject: RE: Mudcat 'Idol'?
I've not been into TV idolatry, and so missed this, but have been intrigued by Steve Martin's banjo playing. A local college radio DJ has been playing cuts from Steve's new album - he does more than "just fine" playing with the big boys and girls in bluegrass. I like the idea of folks who would go out of their way to avoid anything to do with a banjo being sucked in first,by Steve Martin's name, then getting wowed by the musicianship.

Cool Beans indeed! Was just discussing that term at work just yesterday and we wondered what it would be in Latin (I work in a church, it's an occupational hazzard...) you could get dressed up as "Frigidus Favi." just sayin'

Joanne in Cleveland