The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121047   Message #2638063
Posted By: jacqui.c
21-May-09 - 07:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Kendall's bad news (May 2009)
Subject: BS: Kendall's bad news
We've just got back from the hospital where Kendall was due to have further treatment to his damage vocal cord.

When the surgeon was about to put more filler in the right vocal cord he noticed a lump on the left vocal cord. Further examination showed that there was a growth on the left vocal cord which seems to be a carcinoma in situ. A deep biopsy has been taken and we will, hopefully, get the diagnosis by the end of next week.

In all probabilty this will entail further laser surgery to excise this new cancer and then further reconstructive surgery to try and improve the voice quality, which will deteriorate as a result of this surgery.

Needless to say, we are both devastated by this latest news, as is Kendall's surgeon, who has become a friend.