The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120986   Message #2638853
Posted By: jeddy
22-May-09 - 06:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: BNP: What would you do?
Subject: RE: BS: BNP: What would you do?
to azizi you will always be welcome here no matter what small minded pricks think. did you all know that bnp and ukip are friends? i didn't til some nice person on another thread told me sorry but i can't remember names once i've left the thread coz my brain isn't that big.
i thought it important to tell you cox i was thinking of voting for them BUT NOT NOW. as for printing this persons name i also think that you can try and talk them out of it but when it goes public they will be in the shit and do they really want to put thier' family and friends through the muck raking, if they still go ahead then you have to cut all ties untill they are ready pulicly admit they were wrong.

okay i was ranting sorry