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Thread #115854   Message #2639068
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
23-May-09 - 01:07 AM
Thread Name: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Subject: RE: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Don, Get a life! There are articles, and there is reality. This issue, can be argued forever, if you base your 'proof' on the trend d'jour, or what really is. Here's a tidbit for you....I mentioned a while back, that the majority of people were tired of getting their noses rubbed into the over hyped wonders of homosexuals. Little Hawk weighed in and I'm not alone in this. I've said repeatedly, though it somehow escapes your one tracked mind, that equal rights are there because of our citizenship, in a country that believes in it, so we all have them...and not because a person CHOOSES his or her sexual preference, for one reason or another. You argue that churches must accept the 'affirmation' dealy..when churches DO NOT HAVE to accept anything of the sort...That's YOUR DEAL. Whether or not, a church accepts homosexual marriage is irrelevant in California, it is a non issue here. Either way, your argument is based on giving homosexual marriage some sort of legitimacy, and therefore bringing acceptability to homosexuality into the mainstream, which of course, Hollywood is trying overtime, too. That being said, here is a little bit of something that has happened over the last few days that you should, of all people take notice to. Note, this may sound trivial, but it DOES point out my point in case. (I can't believe I'm citing this, but it's true, nonetheless. In regards to the American public's response to homosexuality being so acceptable...this week, an infinitely more talented showman, singer, dancer and personality lost on 'American Idol' due to one simple thing....He flaunted his homosexuality...and it cost him winning to another lesser performer who came across as wholesome, married, and a church going Christian, with family values. Why?..Because of exactly what I've been telling you, as well as Ake, in the beginning...That society, as a whole rejects the whole idea, as far as being 'acceptable' or desirable. With 100 MILLION votes cast, THAT'S HOW IT SHOOK DOWN. So you may be impressed with all the so called 'studies',(refer back to what I said of who was funding those 'studies'), and or anything you want, but you will NOT VOTE IN RESPECTABILITY!! ..and as I said, and you should have noticed BY NOW, people really are tired of having their noses rubbed in it!..Like it or not.
Not only that, Obama has favored the 'Don't ask, don't tell policies' in the military, he does not support it, will not endorse it(unless it becomes politically expedient), and even in your state, there is going to be a challenge to it, whose results will be of interest to both sides, as to the outcome. Hilarious Clinton has done an about face on it('Why?' would be interesting to find out..I doubt it has anything to do with 'personal conviction'). Numerous 'celebrity's) careers, have tanked out, because of it, when they 'come out of the closet'(some have done better than others), but on the most part, they took a hit. Now don't get pissed off at me, because I merely point this out to you, and others..but take an objective look at it. Even with the ramming down our throats, on the subject, and the hyping of it, the most that the majority is going to go for ir, AT THIS TIME, is placating them, by throwing them a 'bone' of 'Civil Unions'. That, my dear pal, is the plain and simple truth, as to THE WAY IT IS!
And, by the way, a question I've asked, a few times on here, but it gets 'conveniently' ignored, is, 'if two, same gendered people live together as room mates, and NOT sexually active with each other, how does the homosexual community feel about them being able to claim certain 'benefits' as a 'married' same sex couple?..(as in tax dependencies, insurances, so on and so forth). Shoe goes on the other foot now, doesn't it? Just what, and how does that issue get resolved, without infringing on the 'rights' of a same sex couple, living as 'married'.
No, my opinionated fellow Mudcat poster, married is a different ballgame as live in lovers, homosexual or hetero,..and marriage, IS and should be continued to be regarded as the union between a man, and a woman...not 'role play' just doesn't work.
Anyway, think about it, first, before you jump on the keyboard. Think about the lost revenues, as tax deductions, that the politicians think about before they endorse such nonsense. Think about the fraud, that anyone could claim....and think about the fact, that the majority of the public, not only disrespects homosexual behavior, but resents having to be force fed a steady diet of it, and their children, as well.