The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23606   Message #263935
Posted By: M. Ted (inactive)
24-Jul-00 - 08:34 PM
Thread Name: You've Got Some Chords, But...
Subject: RE: You've Got Some Chords, But...
Didn't mean to seem angry--just pointing out that a lot of people just throw the chords out there and just pick a note from each--Barry Mann and Cynthia Weil obviously did nore than that, I am fond of many of their songs, I particularly like "Magic Town"--many of their songs have similar melodic elements, which, if you wanted to, you could probably use with your chord progression--

I did suggest a good way to work out a melody to go with your chord progression--as I said though, music theory is nothing more or less than a group of ideas that you can use to create--what you did was to ask for someone to explain a theory that soneone else uses, and that you might be able to use, as well--So here's a theory:

Take the rhythmic phrase from a single line in a Mann/Weil song(Such as "They say the neon lights are bright", pick a note from the chord(say, the 3rd) and sing it over each chord of your progression. You can pick the phrase from a different song for the last chord, such as, "Just a walkin in the rain" and end up on the chord fundamental.