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Thread #115854   Message #2639414
Posted By: Don Firth
23-May-09 - 02:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Subject: RE: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
GfS, get a brain! And get a pair of reading glasses. You claim I have said things that I haven't said at all, such as "You argue that churches must accept the 'affirmation' dealy..when churches DO NOT HAVE to accept anything of the sort..."

I do not argue that at all, which you know perfectly well, but you do have a penchant for putting words into other peoples' mouths and then attacking them on that basis ("straw man" fallacy, Philosophy: Logic 101). You are grossly disingenuous.

A substantial percentage of Christian churches have already signed on to the "Affirmation of Welcome" of their own volition, after a vote of their congregations. Get that through your thick skull! Other that participating in the discussion and the voting in one congregation, I had nothing to do with it. I am in no position to dictate to any religious persuation.

Your invoking of the American Idol thing (I never watch the show) is really pretty pathetic, and yet another example of non-thinkers fixing on the unimportant, both on your part and on the part of those who voted.

As far as the many scientific studies that I have cited and linked to, your blanket claim that they were all funded by the "gay lobby" (including the Swedish study) is just plain asinine, and you know it.

Let's cut to the chase here, GfS:

Face it, counselor. The reason you are so adamant about gender orientation being matter of choice rather than a genetic predisposition is because your father lived most of his earlier life in denial, then finally gave in to his genetic nature and embraced his true gender orientation. The thing that has you trembling in your boots is the possibility that you may be carrying that genetic time-bomb yourself.

That's called "denial," counselor. And my suspicions about you are more that supported by your passionate devotion to trying to convince others of the rightness of your position in the face of an overwhelming body of scientific evidence to the contrary. The fact is that you are trying to convince yourself.

Methinks you protest much too much.

Don Firth