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Thread #115854   Message #2639778
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
24-May-09 - 06:21 AM
Thread Name: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Subject: RE: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
I have to echo Akenaton's post, and add one more thing. The people from California, have democratically voted twice, to ban homosexual marriage, and for the non stop whining of the LOSING side, whose banner is FALSELY accusing the electorate of 'bigotry' and not being as 'smart' as they are in this matter, shows that the freedom's that we have enjoyed, as being a FREE country, of self determination, are nearing their end...not just on this matter, but other things as well. A lot of you just won't 'get it' until you finally see, that when it is all said and done, and all the policies that you so ignorantly, and foolishly bought into, are implemented, and the quality of your lives, go into the toilet, will you scratch your heads, and ask, "What happened?"
When you see that the rhetoric from Washington, is directly OPPOSITE from their ACTIONS, when you finally are trapped, because you believed, the lying propaganda, that has indoctrinated you into WHAT to think, and like a bunch of blind lemmings, you so recklessly followed, without questioning, or educating yourselves.
I, in NO WAY, know that what I've posted on here, was motivated by hatred, bigotry, or anything less than sound facts, proven time and time again...only to be ignored by the frothing band of mob mentality, flock of babbling parrots. Your posts, and you know who you are, are, in the nature, and content, MORE than proof, that what I've said, all along is absolutely true. But, as Akenaton, has said, nothing new is being posted, and that which is sound, is not being why try to turn on a bunch of rocks? I'll be checking in, once in a while....
By the way, when you see, that the mindset that you have, demonstrates to you, once in for all, that voting will effectively be 'useless' when the will of the people is ignored, and deferred to by a 'political' committee, to make your decisions FOR you, and TELL you what is 'good for you', then it may occur to you, that YOU are the people, that the civil rights movement, were trying to be free from! After that, its just a matter of who makes what policy..right?
And one more note, especially for Amos, who was mostly a lightweight in this issue, so that issue is not a biggy, Amos, note the difference in what Obama SAYS, and what he actually is doing..this is a continuation of the policies, that we've had, no accountability, no paper trails of the money, that he promised we could follow, online, foreign policy the same, continuing the 'bailouts' started under Bush, and virtually a take over of the private sector..Yes my dear friend, the was no change, as I said earlier, during the campaign..but to his blind 'supporters', at least he can make you FEEL good, while he's ripping you off, from the freedoms you once enjoyed...just as his predecessor. See you around..maybe even on this thread, if anyone posts something new, and enlightening.