The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115854   Message #2640034
Posted By: Don Firth
24-May-09 - 05:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Subject: RE: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Yes, GFS, I am married. Have been since December 17, 1977. To a woman. Most definitely a woman.

And you, sir or madam as the case may be, are really showing the level of your desperation. In fact, your last post is downright contemptible.

You have really revealed yourself!

In times past, people with physical or mental disabilities were considered a matter of shame, to be locked away in a back room or institutionalized and never spoken of—when in actuality, they were perfectly capable of leading full, satisfying, and useful lives. Fortunately, civilization has advanced to the point where this is no longer true.

Yet, there are still people out there who are so medieval in their outlook who, when they see someone with a limp or with a speech impediment (or, God forbid, both!), automatically assume that they are mentally deficient as well. Or someone who needs to use crutches or a wheelchair. There are people who assume that, because parts of the body don't work well, that the mind doesn't either, failing to realize that the person may be a college professor, an artist, a musician, or—seventy years ago, the President of the United States.
"As so far as a minority,..what about the discrimination of the MAJORITY, oh wise one??? Not only that, where is your crusade for autistic people who want to play pro football?..Wasn't that a real condition from birth???..Big foreheads, too!

"You are so staggers the imagination!"
No one ever suggested that someone, be it a sports team or a construction company or an accounting firm, should be required to hire someone who is physically or mentally incapable of doing the job. I know a woman, the daughter of a good friend, who is developmentally disabled and who works for a local Ikea store. Her comprehension is not keen, but she has a very tenacious memory, and she knows where everything in the store is. She works as a greeter, asks people what they are looking for, then directs them to where they can find it. She enjoys the job, feels (and is) useful, pays her own rent, and pays taxes.

And you would lock her away in a back room somewhere, out of sight of the rest of the world? It sounds to me like you would favor rescinding the Americans with Disabilities Act. It sure sounds like it.

You? A psychological counselor? I don't think so! You are grossly in need of psychological counseling, GfS. And a major dose of general humanizing!

The level of your vitriol sprayed in my direction undoubtedly comes as a result of the palpable hit I scored regarding your fear of the very DNA that you carry yourself.

As far as having anything worthwhile to say on much of anything, you have just committed suicide with the same weapon that Samson used to slay the Philistines.

Don Firth