The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11873   Message #2640350
Posted By: Tug the Cox
25-May-09 - 07:35 AM
Thread Name: Aunty Mary Had a Canary - where?
Subject: RE: Aunty Mary Had a Canary - where?
Jeannie, aug o7, just seen that, we used to sing, in London in the 50's or 60's

My old man's a dustman, he wears a dustmans hat
he took me round the corner, to see a football match.
The ball was in the centre, the rusty whistle blew,
Fatty passed to skinny, and down the wing he flew.
Skinny passed to fatty, fatty passed it back,
Skinny took a flying shot and Knocked the goalie flat.
Where was the goalie when the ball was in the net
half way up the goalpost with his trousers round his neck
They laid him on a stretcher, they laid him on a bed,
They rubbed his belly with cast iron jelly and this is what he said
Rule Britania, three monkeys up a stick
One fell down and hurt his..
Dickie was a bulldog, sitting on the grass, along came a bumblebee and stung him on the...
Ask no questions tell no lies, have you ever seen a chinaman doing up his....
Flies are a nuisance bugs are worse, that is the end of my little..
versus Arsenal one, if you don't like it you can stick it up your...
Bumdidy bum bum, Bum Bum.

Years later I heard an old matelot dom something similar, but thre Rule Brittania line was
'Rule britannia, marmalade and jam
five chinese crackers up your arsehole bang bang bang bang bang'