The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121085   Message #2640806
Posted By: GUEST,Shimrod
25-May-09 - 06:38 PM
Thread Name: Are 'Folk Arts' Elitist?
Subject: RE: Are 'Folk Arts' Elitist?
"I'm not crashing anything but your own ridiculous self-importance. Happy 1954. Shimrod is a scientist who's afraid of the future FFS, when he learns jack shit about art I'll answer his dumb question. He's a myna bird, a chorus monkey with a leather tankard." 'glueman'

What have you got against scientists, 'glueman'? How do you know how much I know about art? In my experience most artists know "jack shit" about science, but many scientists are remarkably well-informed about the arts.

And is my question "dumb", because you can't answer it, by any chance? At what point did your answering my question become conditional on my learning about art (I must have missed that)?

I've already admitted to being a myna bird (squawk!)- you must be awfully clever to see through my cunning disguise - but are you in the habit of arguing with birds? Could it be that the petulant tone of the post, quoted from above, is down to you coming off worse in a recent dispute with a sparrow or a rook?

And if I'm a mynah bird - how can I be a monkey at the same time?

So many questions - so few sensible answers!