The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121061   Message #2641006
Posted By: Crow Sister (off with the fairies)
26-May-09 - 04:19 AM
Thread Name: Folk Activism!
Subject: RE: Folk Activism!
"Each culture must insulate its own heritage so others can delight in
its difference not become an homogeneous GLOB"

I don't think traditional English performing arts (TEPA..?) need 'insulating', but it would I feel be a positive thing, if the English actually KNEW they have any traditional arts in the first place. Hence my queries on the thread stemming from Eliza C's: "What Kind of Activist are You?"

It strikes me as a rather interesting phenomena - with no doubt a multitude of contributing factors - but I wonder how many other countries, apart from England, have completely lost and forgotten their own cultural roots?

As Richard said this culture merits support. Plus if folk enthusiasts don't ensure this happens, who will?
Oh yeah, neo-fascists are already busily on the case. Problem solved then...