The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121061   Message #2641010
Posted By: Jim Carroll
26-May-09 - 04:29 AM
Thread Name: Folk Activism!
Subject: RE: Folk Activism!
"most funding quangos aren't bright...."
IMO as the recent recipient of a rather useful grant, applying for funding is as much to do with the folk scene getting their own act together as it is persuading the grant givers to part with taxpayers money. Blaming '"funding quangos" is easy.
"I'm not sure that the Lord of May is funny."
Funny sheesh - not funny ha-ha.
I supoose if you make it up as you go along it's just as acceptible to redefine 'the masses' as it is to abandon any logical definition of folk.
Needs must.... as they say!
Jim Carroll