The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121061   Message #2641042
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
26-May-09 - 05:38 AM
Thread Name: Folk Activism!
Subject: RE: Folk Activism!
""So this thread is a request for Information, Ideas, Suggestions, Thoughts concerning what both IS being done as 'Folk Activism' to raise the profile of, and promote the health and wellbeing of English TradArts publicly, locally, nationally. And also what COULD be done by people like me, both as individuals and collectively?

I'd prefer that this thread remain constructively responsive to these initial qqueries, and did not become either too innapropriately political, or descend into debate concerning the relative merits or otherwise of such enterprises.

Just thought it might be a good idea to jog some memories as to the TOPIC under discussion.

An argument about semantics, and another about politics, seem to be exactly what Crow Sister didn't want. The question of funding, and raising funds is, likewise, a side issue.

The primary need is to achieve RECOGNITION of the folk arts, as something indispensible, and integral, to the ENGLISH way of life.

The Scots, the Welsh, and the Irish have this reasonably well under control within their own independent cultures.

The English, however, do not, and looking at the way this, and other threads, tend to descend into heated conflict, IT IS NOT SURPRISING.

If you can't listen to each other's point of view, how are you going to persuade a bunch of thick skinned, culturally bereft, and self serving politicos to listen to YOU?

I've said before that there is no concern in the UK parliament for ENGLISH affairs.

What has to be done is to make it impossible for Westminster to ignore our demands that we be treated as a Nation, with a separate identity, culture, and tradition.

The first step, as Tam said, is to list all local and national organisations which currently promote and preserve our culture.

Step two is to persuade them to unite, which is best done by joining said orgs, and working from the inside.

Step three is to lobby, badger, harrass, and pester, without cease until someone takes notice.

None of that will happen while we are busily engaged in shredding strips off each other in rows about who "owns" the tradition. The answer?..........WE ALL DO!

Don T.