The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23417   Message #264124
Posted By: Seamus Kennedy
25-Jul-00 - 03:55 AM
Thread Name: Hello, pleased to meet you.
Subject: RE: Hello, pleased to meet you.
Hi L & L, from someone who was never formally welcomed to the Mudcat and is insanely jealous of the welcome you two are getting from the long timers, but harbors NO RESENTMENT WHATEVER!! and bears you no ill-will at all, but knows in his heart that you both will be fine, knowledgeable, and witty contributors to this forum, despite the fact that he is shattered by the warm, welcoming reception you two are receiving that should rightfully have been his a year ago... oh never mind, I'm over it now. Welcome, and all the best. Seamus P.S. All you old 'Catters......don't even think of it now.