The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115854   Message #2641434
Posted By: Don Firth
26-May-09 - 06:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Subject: RE: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
GfS, I hope you had a lot of fun screwing around with YouTube, but all it accomplishes is to more than amply demonstrate that you have no answers to what I've said, and you can't come up with an answer to the question I keep asking.

You're toast!


And Little Hawk—

Back in the 1960s, when the Civil Rights movement was at it's peak and the anti-Vietnam war was building, I knew people who were into magic mushrooms, read Carlos Castaneda, got involved with Eastern religions, hung out at their local Vedanta center, dinked around with the I Ching, "tuned in, turned on, and dropped out," although not always with drugs. While other people were getting involved in the Civil Rights movement and were protesting the war, marching, demonstrating, writing or talking to their political representatives and were generally indicating their level of concern, catching the attention of our political leaders and basically forcing them to do something about these matters, there were others who would not sully their pristine souls with such earthly matters, looking askance, and "tut-tutting" and "tsk-tsking."

When such struggles for human rights manifested themselves in their vicinities, they would retract their landing gear into the lotus position and rise above it all, sometimes levitating to really impressive altitudes, to the point of pissing off the Federal Aviation Administration and the Civil Aeronautics Board by cluttering up the flight control radar. But—they were above it all.

Aloof. Uninvolved. Neutral. Smug. And feeling quite superior, but adamantly denying that they felt that way because that would be inconsistent with the purity of their souls.

If they ever did tune in on the discussions of world affairs to the point where they actually did get a grasp of what was really going on, they would be in dire danger of abandoning their neutrality and forming an opinion. They frequently grow so upset when they found themselves in danger of getting involved in the real world, they lost their powers of levitation and wound up with their feet all braided around their knees, head down in a potted plant.

Some became so uninvolved that they shaved their heads, donned saffron robes, and became "hairless Krishnas," bugging people in airports for small change. This, while many genuine Buddhists who wore those saffron robes were so concerned with the plight of their fellow humans that they registered their protest, not through violence to others, but by self-immolation.

No, Little Hawk. I've heard your kind of kibitzing many times before. It's easily recognized for what it is. It's nice and safe up there near the ceiling as you look down on those who are not afraid to express their viewpoint and then defend it.

Don Firth