The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121143 Message #2641678
Posted By: Will Fly
27-May-09 - 04:11 AM
Thread Name: BS: Origins of some American forenames
Subject: BS: Origins of some American forenames
Lately I've been delving into the music of the Delmore Brothers and also re-reading Levon Helm's autobiographical "This Wheel's On Fire"..
The delving and reading got me wondering where names like "Alton" and "Rabon" (the Delmores) and "Lavon" (the original name for Levon) came from. Are these sorts of names confined to areas of America? Are they Biblical in origin? They seem uniquely American to me. I have Biblically-derived names in my own (English) family ancestry - one set of siblings was named Joshua, Raymond, Lemuel and Salome - but these weren't uncommon at the time (early 19th c,).
Any other uniquely American forenames with interesting origins?