The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121108   Message #2641814
Posted By: Bobert
27-May-09 - 07:46 AM
Thread Name: BS: Rate the Presidents
Subject: RE: BS: Rate the Presidents
Gotta agree with Kendall about Reagan's rating... I hhave Reagan just ahead of Bush II (mental midget and crook) and Nixon (crook) but Reagan was pushing hard for the bottom slot in the *rank*ings...

We are just now feeling the the effects of Reagan's cowardness in not standing up the the free marketeers... Reagan was all talk and no walk...

BTW, Kendall, it was under Reagan that the US suffered it largest terrorist hit since WW II... Yeah, the Repubs have made a big deal about the USS Cole attack but never talk much about the Beruit bombing which occured on Reagan's watch...
