The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121085   Message #2641854
Posted By: GUEST,Shimrod
27-May-09 - 08:45 AM
Thread Name: Are 'Folk Arts' Elitist?
Subject: RE: Are 'Folk Arts' Elitist?
"And what is it with new folkies that the miracle of personal epiphany isn't enough for them that they then have to go on some crusade to convert the world to their new found religion? I've seen this happen so many times it's untrue - the zeal of the newly converted! Energy best spent in perfecting one's craft I would have thought..."

I'm afraid that I have to say "amen" to that, S O'P - with apologies to 'Crow Sister, who I don't particularly want to offend. It has been my experience that some of the best things in life are those that one stumbles upon by accident. It's unfortunate that once those things become popular there is a tendency for them to be dumbed-down, diluted and commodified.