The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120285   Message #2642004
Posted By: Lox
27-May-09 - 12:58 PM
Thread Name: What should Susan Boyle sing next?
Subject: RE: What should Susan Boyle sing next?
"The response to her YouTube video was something all out of proportion to the program itself, way beyond what you describe in your pros and cons media nanny cogitations."

The youtube clip includes the Ant and Dec preamble with emotional music soundtrack, it includes the edited crowd giving its 'spontaneous' standing ovation, Amand Holden wiping tears of unrestrainable emotion from her cheeks as Piers and Simon exchange meaningful looks and Ant and Dec burbling about how "I bet you weren't expectin' that pet" - all beautifully edited and it includes the whole post performance hype that came from the judges and of course from Ant and Dec, with continued triumphant emotional soundtrack and then of course the judges 'offstage' comments "wow she was amazing" etc.

To suggest that the youtube viewers were immune from the hype is therefore not true.

"the moment when Susan finished singing and turned around to walk off of the stage before the judging began. She went out there to sing. She didn't expect to win,"

Or she might just not have known what to do next ... how does anyone know which of the millions of possible reasons for doing that was her actual reason.

She wasn't there to win?

She entered a competition and she competed.

Your comment above refers to your emotional response, and you are projecting onto her your belief about what her motives are and about who you think she is - It may be coincidence that the personality you are attributing to her is the same that is being hyped in the media.

In reality, you know her as well as I do - that is to say not at all.

"but if she was accustomed to being judged by her looks, she apparently (possibly) assumed this was as much as she was going to get out of the program where beautiful people generally reign. She had a chance to prove she could sing to a big audience and she took it."

Last year, when Paul Potts won, Simon cowell rubbed his hads together and thought to himself 'wow - here's an unexpected money spinner - non typical looking performers who can sing'

Have you seen slumdog millionaire? the scene where the little boy who can sing is blinded by an organized crime boss?

Well that stuff really happens. Why? Because people love to be moved to tears by the beautiful singing voice of a little blind boy as opposed to a little sighted boy, so the organized crime boss knows he'll be worth more money blind.

Simon Cowell sees Paul Potts raking in the cash all over the world (because of youtube? again?) and he sees a similar opportunity in Susan Boyle.

Now its timee to honestly ask yourself this question.

Which came first - the "youtube phenomenon" or the news story ...

... and who paid for the news story to become news? ...

Susan Boyle is not a bad singer.

But there are thousands of better ones.

She will go the same way as Michelle McManus of Pop Idol fame.