The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121143   Message #2642039
Posted By: Bill D
27-May-09 - 01:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: Origins of some American forenames
Subject: RE: BS: Origins of some American forenames
There is an article at Slate with some data and analysis of the 'fairly' recent tradition of distinctively Black names. I remember becoming gradually aware of it in the 70s & 80s.

My own family had some examples of the older, unusual white names....usually from the Bible, but not always. My father was Audley...which was both a French duke and the name of a local area in Staffordshire, England. He had to be careful who he told, as mail would arrive spelled "Aubrey", "Audrey"...and yes.."Oddley". He went by A.W. on most things.