The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121085   Message #2642050
Posted By: Jack Blandiver
27-May-09 - 02:07 PM
Thread Name: Are 'Folk Arts' Elitist?
Subject: RE: Are 'Folk Arts' Elitist?
I think I'm on a different wavelength to you but if you like Christmas lighting and ever found yourself in North Norfolk at that time of the year, take a look at Holt.

Sounds beautiful, Jon. I've been to Holt - once anyway, a couple of years back when we staying in Tatterford, near Fakenham. I remember some antique shops with vintage shop dummies. Hard to think of Norfolk in winter though; my ideal summer is steeple-chasing around North Norfolk churches (Salle is my favourite). They used to do clear lights in Staindrop (nr Barnard Castle) and the effect was absolutely stunning - one night we were driving out that way listening to a tape of classic Rolf Harris & Jindabyne came on as we hit Staindrop - clear lights in the trees a the snow was falling. I was naturally transported! These days, alas, it's all colours - even blue!

It has been my experience that some of the best things in life are those that one stumbles upon by accident. It's unfortunate that once those things become popular there is a tendency for them to be dumbed-down, diluted and commodified.

Amen to that as well!   

As Lloyd sought to demonstrate, there can be industrial folk-stuff too. You deprive the word of any meaning, but why should that surprise me.

A little hyperbolic I admit, Richard, but even Lloyd's industrial stuff takes on a cosy glow when viewed through the retro-rosy folk-lens, especially as he made much of it up to suit his own folkish fantasising.