The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120285   Message #2642155
Posted By: Don Firth
27-May-09 - 04:19 PM
Thread Name: What should Susan Boyle sing next?
Subject: RE: What should Susan Boyle sing next?
Crow Sister, it appears that what it amounts to is that you don't like the kind of songs Susan Boyle sings. Okay, fine. But that doesn't mean that she isn't a very good singer of those kinds of songs. There are people who can't stand opera, but their dislike of singing voices like those of, say, Ramon Vargas, Anna Netrebko, and Dmitri Hvorostovsky does not mean that these three internationally famous opera singers are not brilliant singers. If they don't like listening to the music these three sing, then obviously they are not in a position to judge.

I can hear a brilliant, almost "silvery" quality to Susan Boyle's voice (it's impossible to really express this sort of thing in words, you just have to be able to hear it) that many well-known singers who sing the same kind of songs simply do not have. Does she have the best voice in the world for the kind of songs she apparently likes to sing? No. But it's certainly up there with some of the better voices. And as far as her voice not being big enough for musical theater, that's simply not the case. Even on the YouTube soundtracks (and my computer has a set of excellent Altec-Lansing speakers, complete with sub-woofer, by the way), you can hear the size of her voice when she lets it out, just as you can with the opera singers I have linked to above. And I can tell the difference between electronics and natural reverb.

Don Firth