The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121143   Message #2642172
Posted By: katlaughing
27-May-09 - 04:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: Origins of some American forenames
Subject: RE: BS: Origins of some American forenames
My brother is named after an uncle "Delton" pronounced DELL-tun. Recently I have seen some hip-hop/rap guys with that as a first name, but they pronounce it dell-TAWN. The name "Lorenzo" has also been passed down through our family, but we have no idea where it came from other than my dad's old story about someone from the Spanish Armada coming ashore to hook up with one of our UK ancestors.

Rabon/Rabin is also found among the Hispanic culture, here. My daughter's friend's son is so-named.

I just read that Adlai Stevenson's middle name was "Ewing" which was my grandma's maiden name. Now I wonder if we were related!?

My daughter's boyfriend is named "DesPrince" pronounced "duh-PRINS" not sure if it's French-derived or not. I know of another friend of hers who named her daughter "Essence" and ya know, it fits! She gets called "Essie" for short.

My granddad's middle name was LeCroix...supposedly no French in our ancestry, but I suspect that one came from somewhere way back. We had a lot of surnames used as middle names in my family, including Burton and Gordon.