The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121143   Message #2642197
Posted By: PoppaGator
27-May-09 - 05:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: Origins of some American forenames
Subject: RE: BS: Origins of some American forenames
NY Mets pitcher Livan Hernandez, a Cuban national and half-brother of retured pitcher Orlando "El Duque" Hernandez, pronounces his first name exactly the same as does Levon Helm.

I had assumed that "Livan" was an Hispanic forename with some degree of history, but maybe not ~ maybe the pitcher is the one and only original Livan.

Speaking of Central-and-South-Americans, I've noticed (as a follower of sports) that young men with Spanish (and Portugese) surnames now sometimes have Anglo-type family names as their first names: e.g., Anderson Hernandez & Anderson Varejao. (Anderson is not the only example of such a forename, but it's the only one I can think of right now.)

There is also a trend for Russian first names among Latin Americans, such as Vladimir Guerrero ~ someone passed along the opinion that this comes from Cuba's years as a Communist ally of the USSR. Maybe so, but Vlad Guerrero isn't Cuban; he's from Venezuela, if I'm not mistaken.