The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121143   Message #2642200
Posted By: mg
27-May-09 - 05:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: Origins of some American forenames
Subject: RE: BS: Origins of some American forenames
My great grandfather was John Devery. There are not too many anywhere, and supposedly most are related. They were French refugees or escapees or something from some revolution from the town of Vriex? De'Vriex? Often it is spelled Deveraux or something similar. It shows up on an old census as Devil. They supposedly were flax farmers. I am probably related distantly to Big Bill Devery, a not very good, but powerful, New York chief of police, who was undoubtedly corrupt and started the New York Yankees.

I also have Cornwall or Cornwell on my mother's side and we think they were Cornish. Is that a Cornish name? There is a lot of Welsh on her side of the family, but I think Cornish too. Cornish of course were famous as miners, tin and what else? Goes into bronze. Famous for metal work etc. Read up on ballmaidens? Bellmaidens? I forget the name for the Cornish women who worked in the mining