The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121077   Message #2642279
Posted By: Gillian B
27-May-09 - 06:35 PM
Thread Name: Short film from Doc Rowe's collections
Subject: RE: Short film from Doc Rowe's collections
How very strange. I've just spent a very enjoyable few hours looking through both the Museum of British Folklore site and several of Sean Breadin's blogs etc. How anyone who is as obviously intelligent and well read as Sean could heap such scorn on a project that is so much in it's infancy is beyond me. The MoBF site comes across as a heartfelt, sincere project which the director is at pains to point out, is a personal one. It seems that he has been trying to make the right contacts within the folk community (Doc Rowe etc), and is striving hard to establish something, that I for one, would love to be able to visit one day. He is obviously not an academic but just has a heartfelt love of something that we all share I suspect. As John Adams has said, give the boy a chance! Even with your apology I doubt if we will hear from him again if he thinks this is the welcome a first effort receives. You mention the 'dignified objectivism' of The Future of Things Past, it's a pity that, with your obvious intelligence, you could not have applied some before you decided to be so spiteful and rude.