The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115854   Message #2642364
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
27-May-09 - 09:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Subject: RE: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
My, my my..things heated up...but the discussion is getting better!
Look, let me say this, without the encumbrance of some people's misguided, interpretations...ok?
People can, and will do, anything they want, with whomever they want(or at least to whom they get to agree), and there should be no legislation one way or another about it, as long as it does not infringe on the personal freedom of another, property of another, or well being of another..etc etc., okay??
However, that being said, there are personal consequences for the actions we wish to do, whether it be sexual in nature, or otherwise.
Rights, as guaranteed by our form of government(or supposed form of government), are there for all citizens(unless convicted of a felony), to enjoy, and do what they want, freely.
Now, if a person wants to have sex, with as many people as he, or she can, for fun, or working out fantasies, or just to prove to themselves that they can, ..they will and can do that, under our form of government, and do..all the time....BUT, because he or she can, and do, they should know, (and mostly don't care), that there are consequences, as to cause and effect, that they will set in motion. This is true, in any case, hetero, or homosexual. Here's a couple of examples, that most all are aware of, by now.
Musician plays a gig, some girl digs his act, he's horny, see an opportunity to get laid, he has or knows a place, takes the girl there, gets laid, maybe or not pretty good sex, has a smoke, and goes off to the next place to play, not a thought given one way or another, except he had a good night, or not as good as others,..ok?
After a series of those, he gets bored with it, either concentrates more on his music, or not..not the point. He gets desensitized to a certain type of woman, who is the type who is the kind he finds arousing, but who wants to settle down. Because of that, his choice as to the type of woman that is 'good' for him, in the long term is effected...Just cause and effect.
The girl, perhaps had hopes, and is blown off, after all, she was only a lay, and she availed herself, for either fun, or reassurance, or whatever, could be to hook someone she feels will lift her reputation, doesn't matter..she was willing, or not to pay an emotional price, for availing herself, to someone who really, only wanted to get laid. After a series of those, he self esteem lowers, she makes excuses to herself,..good guy comes along, not interested, because he sees her as 'loose'..bad investment, only will bring heartache,..blows her off, She is left with even lower self esteem, perhaps depressed, and needy, as time goes on...Cause and effect.
Perhaps she gets pregnant. Has baby, or gets it aborted. She has baby, needs support, turns to the guy, who doesn't want to support it, sees her as a 'dumb bitch who was stupid enough to get knocked up', and blows her off, AND his pursue his 'career' as a musician, till he's either 'not into' playing gigs anymore, and takes a day job, and tries to settle down, and pay bills...maybe enough time to jam with the guys when they come over.
If the baby is aborted, the woman WILL and DOES pay an emotional cost, to that too!!...Meanwhile, the guy is relieved, that she didn't have it.
Down the road, in life, they're 'still' looking for love.
Okay, not too much controversial argument about that?..(Well, except for folk singers)..but , you know what I mean.
Homosexuality, also has its 'cause and effect' consequences, as well. One of them, is walking away, from having ones own blood offspring, with the child's own 'Mommy AND Daddy'...and for the homosexual, to have his/her own natural child, in lieu of having, and keeping their relationship, with a same gendered partner....EVEN THOUGH, ONE OF THE INDIVIDUALS MIGHT HAVE MADE AN EXCELLENT PARENT!!! That need, may not be as easily disposable, as assuming the role of the opposite sex, and or, being so much in 'love' with your partner, who they cannot conceive natural children with, (each other, that is),
that they are willing to sacrifice being in that role, to their natural born children, in pursuit to living a life, that 'imitates a family'. Eventually, they will want to legitimize their decision, at least part way, by wanting to be socially acceptable, as married. ..Cause and effect.
Can we all agree on that? Not saying good or value judgment..just cause and effect....and there doesn't have to be any bickering, name calling, reading into, presupposing where its going..just cause and effect. Now in saying that, there are other examples, but a couple listed here should do for now, ok.
Let's go there, if you will...and leave out the nasty comments...
Anyway, there it is....let's discuss THAT...and the latest in California, in relation to THAT.

(besides, I think it unfair if I get into a battle of wits, with unarmed folks).