The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121170   Message #2642449
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
28-May-09 - 12:57 AM
Thread Name: Singing while walking down the street
Subject: BS: Singing while walking down the street
It occurred to me this morning, for the first time ever, that other people do not sing to themselves out loud while walking down the street or the beach, across the parking lot or in the grocery store. They do it in movies but that is supposed to be fantasy.

I've done this all my life but, being rather oblivious, it just never occurred to me that it might be strange. Even when a supervisor at work told me my co-workers might find it peculiar that I walked around the office doing so. I knew they did not mind and that SHE was the one who was a problem.

I do try to do it softly when others are nearby. Got caught Sunday night singing Tula as I walked back to the car after dancing at Folklife - a sweet compliment from the only other person on the street. And let loose on Saturday afternoon as I danced into the post office singing, "Linda, I owe you a song....", came back out, jumped over the bumper strip, clicked my heels and jumped back into the car to hear the rest. This is Whidbey - anything goes, almost. Oh, yeah, I often dance rather than just walk like "normal" people.

So having finally realized that I have only ever encountered one other person and that was in his home, I'm just curious. Is it only me?