The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121077   Message #2642505
Posted By: Crow Sister (off with the fairies)
28-May-09 - 03:46 AM
Thread Name: Short film from Doc Rowe's collections
Subject: RE: Short film from Doc Rowe's collections
Gillian B: "He is obviously not an academic but just has a heartfelt love of something that we all share"

There is also IMO a danger implied in the tone (rather than content) of criticism leveled at the project. Some people have the energy and personal determination to do things like this, some people are well informed enough to judge them as wanting. The kind of damning critique so common to Mudcat - as opposed to educated feedback or constructive criticism - is most dispiriting. Clearly there needs to be collaboration between people with the ability to create, and more serious academics, to get a 'real' archive and museum sorted (if such a thing is wanted at all). But I saw this as a homespun creative project - if anything very idiosyncratically human, crude and imperfect - and in no way a serious academic exercise (I'd be rather surprised if anyone mistook it for such.) It's a miscellanious menagerie of interesting objects and images, a chest of curio's designed to attract the eye and interest of casual passers by. And on that basis, I think it works well.