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Thread #120986   Message #2642653
Posted By: GUEST,Daily Mail reader
28-May-09 - 08:09 AM
Thread Name: BS: BNP: What would you do?
Subject: RE: BS: BNP: What would you do?
Michael's public service will not be acknowledged by those in power because they SO want to depict the BNP as wicked, but we will remember it was him that started the cleaning out of the thieves and abusers in Westminster. We all thank him for this.

These crooks fought so hard to keep their thieving and corruption hidden from us, the people they were stealing from, no wonder they don't want the BNP uncovering even greater thefts and corruption in the EU. I really believe that the only way any of their deceit and thievery will see the light of day is if we get some BNP members in. The other Parties will not want to do anything to stop the plundering of the taxpayers' money. They are enjoying it too much.

These crooks keep spouting the same poisonous old rubbish about the BNP being fascists and thugs. It is they who are the fascists and thugs which is clear in their violent efforts to keep our support down by any means they can, including physical assaults, damage to BNP members property and vehicles. All these things have been used against the BNP in the last few months and more. When have this party people ever done this sort of thing to the other parties to prevent them winning support in an upcoming election?

I also wonder how true their non-racist credentials are when they can write such nasty racist words on the forged document they gave to the newspapers about the BNP.

The lies and abuse just showed people the sort of thing we have to put up with constantly from the fascist Left, they attempted to close down their wonderful website which allows us to read the truth about Britain today.

These denial of service attacks were despicable and totally undemocratic, especially in the run-up to an election. They were worried that people would see their policies on the website and see that they are NOT the racist thugs the Leftwing thugs say they are.

I have never been racist in my life, I couldn't be a thug if I wanted to. The BNP don't hate other races either. They just believe that Britons are being discriminated against and treated as 2nd class citizens in our own Country and it is about time those in positions of power stopped this discrimination against us as a People. They are determined to ignore democracy and try to stop the overwhelming support which is now coming into the BNP offices.

We need to show these thugs that we will vote for the party we want to vote for.

If you are going to the polls next week,emember to write your vote in BLACK BIRO to minimise the risk of vote rigging. I am afraid we just cannot trust these people.