The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120986   Message #2642673
Posted By: Lox
28-May-09 - 08:37 AM
Thread Name: BS: BNP: What would you do?
Subject: RE: BS: BNP: What would you do?
"Michael's public service will not be acknowledged by those in power because they SO want to depict the BNP as wicked, but we will remember it was him that started the cleaning out of the thieves and abusers in Westminster. We all thank him for this."

Evidence please ....

haven't got any?

Thats because it is fiction.

"It is they who are the fascists and thugs which is clear in their violent efforts to keep our support down by any means they can, including physical assaults, damage to BNP members property and vehicles. All these things have been used against the BNP in the last few months and more. When have this party people ever done this sort of thing to the other parties to prevent them winning support in an upcoming election?"

Where is your evidence of unprovoked violence against the BNP?

No where. Because it doesn't exist.

On the other hand, there is so much evidence of unprovoked BNP violence against ... well wwhoever pisses them off really ... on the net that I will leave it to any readers of this forum to find for themselves.

It would be like looking for a haystack in a hayfield at hay harvesting time.

"The BNP don't hate other races either. They just believe that Britons are being discriminated against and treated as 2nd class citizens in our own Country and it is about time those in positions of power stopped this discrimination against us as a People."

They can "believe" what they want. Once again, there is no evidence to support this claim. The evidence is that when immigration has been at its highest in this country, unemployment has been at its lowest. So if we were to allow ourselves the illusion that the two things are connected, then we would have to conclude that immigration has been good for this country.

Oh yes, and they want other races to leave - its on their website - but in a nice way of course.

Then again there is the fact that, as peace pointed out, the BNP is friendly with david dukes and his mob and other right wing hate groups.

In fact, I have posted a video several times of Nick Griffin advising them how to lie about your racist intentions to get votes.

Bit like you DMR - Either unbelievably imperceptive or else a Liar and a racist.

"If you are going to the polls next week,emember to write your vote in BLACK BIRO"

You've got the wrong website - this isn't a BNP forum where people are still getting to grips with opposable thumb theory, this is a forum where people have been able to write clearly, legibly, and in good english for most of their lives.

Unlike your usual audience, they won't have any difficulty putting an x in the right box.

And you can guarantee that the box they choose won't be the one with BNP next to it.