The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121186   Message #2642710
Posted By: Emma B
28-May-09 - 09:28 AM
Thread Name: Selling muscians work without permission
Subject: Selling muscians work without permissio
Referred to on another thread but for information .....

'A group of musicians, including members of Blur and Pink Floyd, are demanding the right to prevent the BNP from using their work or selling it for profit.

The party sells a selection of folk albums on its website.

In a letter to The Times today, members of the Featured Artists' Coalition and the Musicians' Union say: "It has come to our attention that the BNP is selling compilation CDs . . . to raise funds. Many musicians featured on these . . . have no legal right to object to their music being used in this way."

from The Times on line today