The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121108   Message #2643194
Posted By: maple_leaf_boy
28-May-09 - 07:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Rate the Presidents
Subject: RE: BS: Rate the Presidents
I was speaking of Great Depression to more recent presidents.
Clinton being the only one ever to have been impeached.

I don't have too much knowledge of the presidents before that to make
that type of statement, other than Andrew Johnson was Lincoln's successor? I heard about him being a bad president, but didn't read
too much about him to know about impeachment.

The only thing I knew about Grant was not for his work while in
office, but his part in the Union Army, and for capturing John Wilkes
Booth, and the others involved in Lincoln's assassination.

I didn't mean literally Clinton being the only one ever in history, but just out of the ones I remember. But mine looks similar to the
original. Truman tied for first, Nixon and Clinton are last.

Eisenhower /Truman
G.H.W. Bush
G.W. Bush - I know that many would place him at the bottom, but I
admire a man who takes initiative, makes a decision and sticks with
it, and for never backing down while every one slanders him. It's the
role of the underdog I'll have to take on this side, because no one
is as tough as Bush Jr. these days to put up with what he had to put
up with. Still, "not quite big enough to surpass the ol' man.


Obama is still too early in to rate his presidency. Some people were
calling him the best president since Lincoln before he was even
elected and sworn in. He's starting out at the bottom, and once his
term is over, it would make sense to place him in a ranking.