The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121125 Message #2643343
Posted By: Janie
29-May-09 - 12:19 AM
Thread Name: BS: Sonia Sotomayor, US Supremes Nominee
Subject: RE: BS: Sonia Sotomayor, US Supremes Nominee
As usual, I can not remember names, but on All Things Considered this afternoon, two congressmen, A Republican from Texas who had previously served on the Texas Supreme Court, and a Senator from New York were interviewed regarding Stotmayor. In many respects, both were very cogent, rational and fair. However, both were also obviously sparing solely for the sake of position and party power and for the purpose of manipulating public opinion. I suppose this happens because it is necessary to the political process, but I am so absolutely sick of it. It has little to do with honest discourse.
I understand that I am being quite arrogant in saying this, but so few people are capable of anything close to rational consideration, that the voting public asks to be played and manipulated. I have this fantasy of hearing knowledgeable people with different points of view simply and honestly talk out the pros and cons of different perspectives.
I am, like so many others, a frantically busy person trying to raise a kid, pay bills, be a good and responsible employee in the workplace, keep up a house, support my community. I do not have the time to wade through all the bs, smoke-mirrors, and 40 million (yes, I know, extreme exaggeration) blogs, pundits, biased news reports, etc.
I don't have time to sort thru' the bullshit to try to get the information and perspective I need to have an informed opinion. Pisses me off that politicians play voters like they do with spin and propaganda. Pisses me off even more that citizens, in general, insist that they be played.
I wish we were ready to drop the labels, and just get on with doing what needs done to run the country and be responsible world citizens, individually, and as a nation.