The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121196   Message #2643845
Posted By: bankley
29-May-09 - 05:27 PM
Thread Name: Canadian singer Allison Crowe refused entry to UK
Subject: RE: Canadian singer Allison Crowe refused entry to UK
'we trade liberty for security,
mobility for chains to drag
you and me, we lose authenticity
whenever we drink at the mirage, c'est dommage'

immigration drift: meanwhile..
GW Bush is back in Canada today for another lucrative speaking engagement in Toronto with Slick Bill Clinton...

Splitting the Sky aka John Boncore was arrested in Calgary on March 17 for trying to make a citizen's arrest on Bush for war crimes... John's been charged with obstruction.. His 5 day trial is set to be held in March 2010... and he's in TO now joining the protests..    'truth to power'

one of his defense lawyers is former US Attorney General, Ramsey Clark.... that ought to get some attention... being that it's a citizen's right to uphold the law when the police and government refuse to....

good luck to Allison Crowe... bet she doesn't get snagged like that again....