The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23673   Message #264400
Posted By: InOBU
25-Jul-00 - 02:35 PM
Thread Name: Do you play in a Police State?
Subject: Do you play in a Police State?
Good idea Kev!
Well, when a country puts more people in jail than any other in history (again proportionally) and the police feel inpowered to call for boycotts of artists from Ice Tea to Bruce Springstien, and there is a bloody blue uniform on every block in politcally left neighborhoods like the east village, while the police avoid really hard case neighborhoods in New York and look the other way as women are publicly sexually assaulted, but break up non-violent political marches, and we have a shoot to kill policy that the RUC would salivate over... well... what else would you call it. Yup, I play music in a police state.
Singing the truth to power