The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115854   Message #2644029
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
30-May-09 - 01:30 AM
Thread Name: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Subject: RE: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Emma:"..From a Clinical Psychologist -
"Here were people coming along who seemed to be asking for help, it was against the law, they wanted to change their behaviour, that's how it was presented to us. You never thought about the morality of what you were doing.
You were effectively a technician."

Gosh, do you think with this going on, that it might have just a 'little 'teeny weenie' to do with why the results of the study, were as silly as the are???..I'm mean, ..umm..just a little???

The other problem, from where I see it, is I have met, and talked to people who were former homosexuals. So, to me, when I see a study that says, "It can't happen"...I'm sorry, I just have to simply disagree. Hey, What can I say??..Not only that, most of them WERE NOT people who came out of therapy, but on their own, by one of several means, and realizations. They were not stupid people. I'd Love one to talk to you! And another, 'by the way', those people are so against same sex marriage, they make either myself, Ake, or anyone else on this thread, who has posted against same gendered marriage, look like 'softies'

Next, Ake posts figures from the CDC (Center for Disease Control), and some nitwit writes, (and I don't recall who), writes, "Impressive", and goes on with some guttural, babbling noises, sorta like puking word like syllables, trying to discredit the figures, and the post. HUH???!!!???
Hey, the figures, from the CDC, whose very purpose is to track this kind of stuff, show very clearly that AIDS's largest transmission is in the homosexual communities. The homosexual communities freely admit that, and ask for help, even if it means, through desperation and frustration, it has to ASK that it should be listed as a homosexual disease, (which we all know, it is larger than that), and now we're reading posts, put up by different people with one thumb in their butt, and the sucking the other one, while picking their noses, saying "No ithh's' thnot". Come on, now!! Do you want to be taken as complete mental mutant gnomes from the rainbow, Kool-Aid' land of 'Odds". Do you ever want to taken seriously?..or are you just arguing, because you have terminal brain lock, and itchy fingers??
Now let's get back to the issue, and the legal points for the argument, on both sides...or something beyond trying to test the endurance of reading inane posts, and if it can keep up with the endurance of pubescent listening to 'Rap' 24/7 ??....then trying to communicate as adults.
I posted, a rather impartial post on the legal merits, both sides, of the challenge...nobody can pick up the issues???...or are they not as relevant, as some rather 'talking point' erroneous, misinformed, political wing nut's opinion? Come on, its getting a lot better than the present national debate! Let's not be small....