The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115854   Message #2644045
Posted By: Barry Finn
30-May-09 - 03:36 AM
Thread Name: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Subject: RE: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
I'm not quite sure about this society that feels they need to treat those not in the mainstream as flawed cause they're different & put expections & values on them that would have them feeling that they needed to be treated in the first place.

Fuck all those studies & experiments & theropies. There were those that at one time only wanted to let blue eyed blondes be masters of the races. I could've been a CEO or Furrier :) except for the tainted Jewish blood in me.

Why would anyone feel it necessary to be treated because they're homosexuals. If that's the way they are society should take that as who they are & leave them be. Them being what they are is not normal or abnormal, it just is. (Boy are we knee deep in our own shit) The same as I'm White & someone else is Black. It is what & who we are & nothing more or less & until our society can swallow that pill there will always be a "different" or "Not Normal" crowd or minoritey to ostracize or deny human rights to, we will always find a scapegoat for our problems. Today it is them, tomorrow it may be you, yesterday, but for the grace of God, it could've been me. I won't stand for it, not for myself, my friends my kids or for the society I choose to live in.
When you see a kid hit puberty & they're scared shit & want to exit life because of the taboos & expections that society has placed on their backs that society sucks when they make a life to unbarable to face. They are handing that kid a razor blade rather than a soft shoulder. What, only the strong are allowed to survive, if they're different?

So any of you who would put that on a kid consider how you react if the kid took their own life & that kid was yours.

"Walk a mile in their shoes"

Well, there are just not enough shoes going round for people to stand in that'll cover all the differences that make up our human race, so when you're next faced with that dreadful choice of trampling on someone's human or civil rights. Look out side yourself, look outside of the box, go with the truth that we are all flawed & that we all have differences & we all have to live with each oth, like it or not. Cause if we don't the only option is someone's gonna suffer drasticly & it may be one of your own.

Live & let live is more than a two street, it's a byway for the world
we live in. An' don't give me the shit that the way they live affects any of you that's in the least way that's detrimental to your selfish lifestyles, you're lying to me & to yourself!

Stop being selfish, stop thinking only about yourself, stop aiding in the suffering of others & start to help with easing the misery your tunnel vision views are putting upon others.

No matter how you explain it, it's bigotry.
You can be forgiven for your ignorance but not for the pain.
